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Email Hacking Guide – Latest Guide

Email Hacking Guide – Latest Guide

Email Hacking Guide

Hello guys in this post I will like to share with you guys, how hackers hack into your email account but before i start… kindly note that this article is only for educational purposes. so without being said let get started

Email Hacking Guide - Latest Guide 2022

There are two types of a phishing attacks:-
1. Firstly, You have to create your website or have an account on any Free Webhosting service which has PHP enabled service.

2. After you have set up your account on any free Webhosting service, you have to upload your phisher to the file directory of your site.

3. For that you have to make your own phishing page which is discussed on another thread you can ask me and i will send you.

4. There will be another file needed also named “login.php”.Which will give the condition to save the username and password typed by the user.

5. So, After you have created your phisher it is time to edit them, so as to make them save the username and password typed by the victim.

Here are the simple steps to edit the phisher:-

i. Open your phisher in a web browser, Right click in Somewhere in the middle of the web browser, and then click on View Source.

ii. A new window will pop up, click on Edit>Search and type action in the search box, and then click on search.

iii. It will take you to the First action String, after the equals two mark type login.php in replace of the text written after it.

iv. Click on Search again, this time it will take you to another action string, after the equal to mark type to replace the text written in front of the equals to mark.

NOTE: you have to type your site’s name in replace of your site, and your free Webhosting service against your service in
written over in step iv.

6. So, Now you have done the difficult part it is time for some HACKING.

NOTE: You have to upload all the files on your free Webhosting service directory, including in index_files Folder in the directory. Or it won’t work.

The Directory Will be:-

i. index.html
ii. index_files [Folder which you saved]
iii. login.php
iv. login.txt

7. Now you have to just send the victim to your phisher site

You can send him the message to visit your phisher for example:-

How is it going?
You know what, I visited a site yesterday it is a new look of [Victims Email Service].
just check out.
It’s really good.

You can make your own message and send it to the victim.

8. To view the saved password you have to just log on to your free web hosting service account and open login.txt to view the saved password.

10. And you are done, In just ten steps you have learned the phishing

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Good Luck!