Bitcoin Money Transfer Software
Bitcoin Money Transfer Software
Bitcoin Money Transfer Software – Localbitcoins Bitcoin Hacking
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LocalBitcoins hacked – Bitcoins Stolen By an Unauthorized Source

Peer-2-peer bitcoin marketplace LocalBitcoins experienced a hack this week that brought about the dissemination of malware and a deficiency of client reserves.
Affected users will be conceded discounts subsequent to finding a way ways to address security weaknesses, as indicated by the organization.
LocalBitcoins vice president Nikolaus Kangas acknowledged the hack on 27th January in a forum post, outlining how the intrusion took place through its LiveChat account, with an estimated 17 BTC lost from customer wallets.
The bitcoin marketplace has experienced security-related problems before, including an incident last year when a hacker gained access to its servers for a brief period of time, though according to LocalBitcoins no customer data was lost. Customers have also reported running afoul of fraudulent users in the past.
Kangas told CoinDesk that he believed the hackers used an unknown kind of malware that was able to bypass existing security measures and took personal responsibility for the LiveChat intrusion.
He explained:
“The attacker used that LiveChat access to spread some kind of Windows executable, which probably was some new kind of keylogger software which is not yet detected by virus protection mechanisms. If the user got that executable installed, with some social engineering, the attacker managed to get access to different accounts of those victims.”
Customer postings on LocalBitcoins suggest that at least one user reportedly lost funds through other bitcoin-related accounts, but that user later reported that discussions with the company were underway on a possible solution.
As indicated by the organization, three clients were recognized as having lost assets during the hack. Reports demonstrate that an absence of two-factor verification might have been at fault for the false withdrawals, and LocalBitcoins encouraged clients to guarantee that they are utilizing such safety efforts to safeguard their records.
Kangas said that with gratitude to the joined endeavors of LocalBitcoins workers and clients of the site, data about the LiveChat compromise was scattered moderately rapidly, taking note of:
“Due to fast actions by the Localbitcoins support staff and community, the impact of the attack remained limited. The amount of users affected was fairly low due to general awareness of the users.”
Kangas added that the company is looking at how it can improve its internal security protocols to avoid similar incidents in the future, and suggested that the incident was illustrative of the costs and challenges of participating in a digital economy.
“This is not only a challenge to bitcoin users, but to all Internet services and users in general, about how to make those attacks equally expensive for those attackers,” he said.
The difference between Local Bitcoins and most exchanges is that LocalBitcoins does not require personal information when making good trades.
Unlike other exchanges, which require ID verification and personal information, Local Bitcoins allows you to buy bitcoin without connecting your name to the bitcoin you’re buying
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